Thank for you a timely post regarding the important matter of how deep the economic crisis may really be. The Christmas holiday has always been when consumers spend most, yet this year it more are worried about keeping their jobs than putting presents under the tree. Your post is analytical of why and how this employment concern has come about. From the “out of work construction worker” to “financial giant CitiCorp’s plan to lay off 53,000 workers in 2009” it can be seen that everyone will be affected by the financial crisis during this year’s holiday. With retailers “shopping meccas” even “seeing slowing sales as the economy stalls” with Christmas only a month away, consumer plans to less are clear. Parents and children alike will feel the financial ‘pinch’. Many forecast that children will receive fewer presents as parents cut back their spending. As you discuss the concern of Thompson not being able to make mortgage payments, Christmas gifts are now seen as luxury items more than before.
Thank for you an extremely detailed and calculated blog on the “latest consumer information”. Your use of statistical information gives a general conclusion of how the economy may be doing and consumer confidence. Not only do you use bar charts and several references to the differing percentage outcomes but you also give a concise analysis of what they show. I highly appreciate your use of paragraphs to group together related figures making for an exceptionally informative post.
at “spending appears to have perked up in November” showing how consumers are still doing their Christmas shopping. You do well in further analyzing the different goods and that “most major categories… declined from last month and last year” yet there is an increase in spending on TVs and digital cameras. Your figures show the although there is a decrease in overall spending from the years before, Novembers spending has increased in comparison to Octobers. Many still plan to buy presents this Christmas though the consumer trends have changed. This year has been what you call “the year of the bargain hunter” where it’s “chic to be cheap”. Many consumers have also turned to lower-priced stores such as Wal-Mart and Target to pick up presents for this season. With this alternative kind of spending many should still see presents under the tree. I also enjoyed how you ended the post by showing that although people will be spending this Christmas they will also be “advocating spending” through staying at home, shopping online and eating cheaper.
Given the statistical nature of your blog you do very well is keeping it from being a dry read. Your paragraphs aid in a fluid read. My only criticism is that I would have liked to read more on your own opinion of this holiday spending. You clearly have a thorough understanding of the situation so I would have liked to read an additional small ending paragraph about your thoughts and what you might be doing this year. All in all I found your blog very interesting and credibly informative.